out of character

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out of character

更新时间:2024-09-20 05:56:21

英 [aut ɔv ˈkæriktə]

美 [aʊt ʌv ˈkærəktɚ]

out of character基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. 出乎意料:25.TO Battl!战斗吧! | 26.Out of Character 出乎意料 | 27.Harsh Parents 严厉的父母

2. 不称、不适当:(13)out of patience 不耐烦了 | (14)out of character 不称、不适当 | (15)out of sight 看不见

3. out of character在线翻译

3. 不合......个性的:conspicuously ad. 显著地 , 显眼地 | out of character 不合 ...... 个性的 | turn to sb. 转向 ( 某人 ), 扭向 ( 某人 )

4. 跳脱扮演角色:带外监督 out of band supervision | 跳脱扮演角色 out of character | 失控 out of control

5. out of character:ooc; 看太少了

  • 临近词
I can't understand why she did that - it's quite out of character.(我不明白她为什么这么做,因为这很不符合她的个性。)
For those who have only become aware of Anonymous over the past half year, such an intervention might seem out of character.(对于这半年才了解到Anonymous的人来说,这种干预也许看上去不合常规。)
Her behaviour was out of character.(她的行为不是她的本性。)
While this may be out of character, currently life is about action, not talk.(虽然看上去不符合你们的个性,但是生活是行动,不是空谈。)
He looks up at her face and Phoebe, slipping out of character.(走出你的温柔乡,做一些不像你个性的事。)
Jane is a nice girl. Her fit of temper was out of character.(珍妮是个好姑娘,她那顿脾气很反常。)
First, it is clearly out of character for me (the whole trip was).(其一,那明显不像我的性格(那整个旅行也是)。)
But Fortune, fearing that she had acted out of character, and had inclined too long to the same side.(但是,命运女神担心的是她长时间倾向于某一方面,并将自己的个性表露出来。)
Then, totally out of character, mother twirled one spin of a waltz on the slippery sidewalk.(然后,完全出乎意料的,妈妈在光滑的路上做了一个华尔兹旋转。)
Prepare for a friend to possibly act out of character or be critical.(准备一个朋友可能出于字符或者是至关重要的。)
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